Nadir: Listen To Your Heart

"He asked you to the party, with him?" asked Natalie, half excited.
I just nodded. I didn't know how else to react. Should I be as excited as her?
Natalie's eyes widened. "Oh, please say you said yes."
"Well... umm...yeah.. I kinda said that," I hesitantly replied.
"Yes!" Natalie shouted and jumped from her bed. "We must get you ready for the party."
I looked at her, trying to understand it, but I couldn't. "What so speacial about this party?" I finally asked.
Natalie turned to me and smiled. "It's not the party, but whom you are going with."
She nodded. Slowly she walked towards me and held my hand. "Adam never ask anybody out before nor to a party. So this must be something great for him, and for you."
Now, everything became clear to me. I understood very well what Natalie was trying to say. Put it in my own words, it would make my mission more easier than I imagined before. All I had to do was to play along with him, without blowing my cover. That should not be a problem to me.
"I don't have a costume to wear for tonight."
Natalie laughed. "I'll take care of that. You just go and have fun."
We both laughed together, but definitely for a different reason.
-to be continued-
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